Sunday, 27 May 2012

Spring is in the air!

Literally!  I looked outside yesterday and today and it seemed like it was snowing pollen.  I am very thankful that I don't have any allergies to pollen.  Had a lovely couple rides on Koda in the past week. I decided to give Koda a few days off after the clinic to cool out and recover from the intense three days we had.  Rode on Thursday and it was an okay ride, not spectacular, not bad, just okay.  I think it was mostly that simply because of the fact that we were being eaten alive by mosquitoes.  We were doing some nice trot work on a 20m, working on transitions within the gait and one-step transitions, and I swear, EVERY time we were working well and he started working off his hind, lifting his back, I got distracted by a mosquito. 

I. Hate. Them.

Today was a different ride, introduced mister Koda to trot sets.  We hacked out further from the farm than we've ever gone by ourselves,and other than a couple shout outs, he was on his best behaviour!  Worked hard, did 3x3 minutes of trot with 2 minutes of rest then a walk back home along the way we came.  On the way we picked up a couple wasps that swarmed us but never landed or stung... strange.  When we got back to the barn, noticed that there were some less wet spots under his saddle that I already worried about to begin with but this confirms it - saddle fit is an issue!  Great....

I do love saddles, so on we go again searching for a saddle!  It looks like he's a fairly easy fit, everywhere else was fine except the tree is a touch too wide.  Anyone have ideas that have the same general tree and seat size as an older stubben siegfried?

Cheers everyone, hope your weekends were fun :)

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