Sunday, 26 May 2013

Mane Makeover

So, in preparation of the Kathy Playdon clinic this weekend, I decided to spruce Koda up.  His mane has been growing rampant, along with his forelock and tail (that need to!) so it was the main (haha...) objective to get done on Wednesday night.  It was a nice night, a touch windy, but that's actually good to have since it keeps the bugs off.  I went to grab Koda out of the field and this is what I saw:

I know I whine and complain about living up here, but darn it can be quite lovely.

Once I brought Koda in, this was the state of his mane:

lovely long flowing locks

Not bad, thick in parts, much too long, but salvageable.  I was very surprised that he stood so still and tolerated the thinning blade so well.  I don't generally pull simply because I was never taught and I like the effect I get with the thinning blade in a much shorter amount of time.  It took about 40 minutes, but we went from lovely flowing locks to much more presentable (and braidable) mane.

Needs a little bit of evening out, but all in all not too shabby!

Next up:  The clinic

1 comment:

  1. I swear Henry has the thickest mane and it grows SO fast!!! I end up pulling it over a week or 2!!

    Your blade job looks great!
