Saturday, 4 January 2014

2013 Review and Looking Towards 2014

Sorry for the lack of posts, everyone!  The Fiance and I have been off visiting family over the holidays so blogging fodder (and time to blog!) was scarce.  Now we're finally back home after a myriad of flight delays and winter driving fun to relax and get back into the swing of the new year.

I want to start of this post with a hopefully quick and to the point review of 2013.  Last year was a good one for Koda and I, getting to a couple clinics in the later part of the year and completing our first event at South Peace.  Even with the set-back of the quonset collapse and the trailer taking over a month to be fixed, all came together to end our rather short season on a good note.  I started riding more and am getting more comfortable riding out at the barn with Koda and learning more about his quirks and what works for him best.  I didn't set any solid goals to accomplish for last year, but in my mind I wanted to complete our first event.  With that being said, let's look onward to 2014!

After completing our first event at South Peace

This year will be interesting as the Fiance and I will be planning our up-coming wedding that is happening in the middle of the season.  I'm hoping to get to either a clinic or two or dressage shows before the wedding, then get into eventing on the other side.  South Peace is definitely on the calendar, along with the Sandra Donnelly clinic in Red Deer.  With family coming, it will be an interesting season!  As long as the trailer is going well, I'd like to get Koda out more this year, going to different venues, even hanging out at the local rodeos (it's all about exposure), riding out more without a buddy, and generally just DOING things.  Fingers crossed we don't lose our trailer again for a large chunk of time!  Right now, we're in our deep freeze with temps bobbling between -20 and -40 so Koda will be enjoying the next few weeks as a wild non-working horse.  That being said, the blog will still have some posts going up, perhaps not as often as usual, but that's just how she goes sometimes :)

It's a cold and frozen place out there...

So, to lay out the goals for 2014:

1.  Get out to more venues (local rodeos, schooling dressage shows, poker rides, clinics, etc.)
2.  Work on jumping spreads
3.  RIDE MORE!!!!

and hopefully..

4.  Compete successfully at Pre-Entry/Entry at South Peace


  1. Happy New Year, sounds like good stuff!

  2. Thanks ladies! Here's hoping things fall into place... and I get mine and Koda's butts in gear!

  3. Those are great (and attainable) goals! Happy New Year!
