Saturday 4 February 2012

Feels Like Flying

Tonight is going to go into the highlights reel for my rides on Celtic for several reasons, but the main one being it was our first night jumping!  She was SUCH a good girl, went over the poles with no problem, no issues with the jumpkins (kind of like baby standards) and flew through the little gymnastic I had set up.  Couldn't wipe the smile off my face! 

Icing on top of the cake?  The SO was there and got it all on video! 

Now, without firther ado:

Flat work with a dry run over the poles

First time over a fence - walk

First time jumping a fence

First time going through a gymnastic

Jumping through the gymnastic

And, the cherry on top of the icing?  After going through the gymnastic a couple times, she offered the most beautiful left lead canter I've ever had with her.  Made my week! 

P.S.  I realize that I haven't been putting up a lot of photos and video lately, so I will try to rectify that, promise :)

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